nba stats – six6s login – NBA/Yokochi’s big three yuan teamed up with Murray to send Pelican 9 consecutive defeats in gold

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The gold bullion, which was lost 3 times in the previous 4 games, returned to the home court to face the Pelican today. Nikola Jokic made 10 of 14 shots and shot 26 points, 18 rebounds and 15 assists. Together with Jamal Murray, he also scored 32 points, 6 assists and 5 rebounds. The gold bullion regained control of the game in the second half, and finally blocked the Pelican’s counterattack with 122-113, and rewarded the other side with 9 consecutive defeats.

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According to statistics, this is the 16th big three yuan of this season for John Koch, who has accumulated 92 big three yuan in his career. He has sent out at least 15 big three yuan for three consecutive seasons. It is worth mentioning that all the gold bullion won in the 16 big three dollar games of Jokoch.

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As for Murray, he scored at least 30 points for the third time this season, and 32 points in a single game is also the highest score this season. In addition, Murray hit 7 3-pointers in this game, and his career 3-pointer hit number accumulated 771, surpassing J.R. Smith, and only second to Will Barton’s 804 3-pointers in the history of the Nuggets.

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The five gold bullion starters scored double digits, Aaron Gordon scored 15 points, 6 rebounds, 6 assists, Kentavius Caldwell Pop scored 15 points, 5 rebounds, 4 intercepts and 2 blocks, and Michael Porter Jr. scored 13 points and 5 rebounds

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Pelican made more than 55% of the team’s hit rate in the first half and took the lead of 60-57, which seemed to break through the dilemma of eight consecutive defeats; Murray scored 13 points alone in the third quarter, and Porter and Jokoch also scored 14 points together. In addition, the defensive end forced the opponent’s shooting rate to drop significantly, and the gold came from behind, but took the lead with 9 points to enter the fourth quarter. Jokoch scored 9 points in the fourth quarter, and the gold bullion also continued to stabilize the situation.

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C.J. McCollum and Herbert Jones each scored 21 points, while Brandon Ingram scored 16 points, 9 assists and 7 rebounds, but only 5 of 17 shots; Trey Murphy III scored 14 points, and Larry Nance Jr. scored 13 points, 11 rebounds and 2 intercepts.

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