nba schedule – six6s login – Who will break the NBA James scoring record? Durant named this person

Only 116 points away from the Hall of Fame star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

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LeBron James, the Lakers ace, is about to become the top scorer in history and even challenge the first NBA player with a career of 40000 points. James has spent 20 years surpassing Jabbar’s record. Luka Doncic, the lone ranger, once said that he did not expect to play for such a long time, However, Kevin Durant, the scoring machine of the Nets, has a different view.

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According to the current average score of 30.2 points per game, James only needs four games to be crowned the historical scoring champion.

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The opponent will be the weak Thunder. This is also the first game for the Lakers to return to home after the trip. At that time, there will be a large number of Zijin fans to witness this great moment, and it is expected to reproduce the lively atmosphere of Kobe Bryant’s retirement war.

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James has scored 27.2 points per game in his career. It is not too difficult for players to achieve the current offensive rhythm, but it is not so easy to reach the height of James, because Zhan Huang has not suffered any serious injury in his career.

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He has maintained a good attendance rate for 20 seasons. Even if he scores again, he must still maintain a healthy and long-term career.

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Durant, who used to be the two major players in the league with James, also admired the former’s performance this season, “We now know this formula. We have to play more than 1000 games in 20 years and get 27 points per game. Dongqi has the conditions to complete this great deed. He is on this path.”