nba stats – NBA/Spurs return to the old home game and the ticket sales of Warriors break the league record

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The Spurs will meet the Warriors at the old Alamo Stadium the day after tomorrow. The Spurs officials also announced today that 63592 tickets have been sold. If you add station tickets, you can see 68000 tickets. The ticket sales have broken the league record.

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The previous NBA game with the largest audience was the Bull vs. Eagle game on March 27, 1998. At that time, the game was held at the home of the Eagle at Georgia Dome, with a total of 62046 tickets sold.

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The Alamo Stadium was used by the Spurs from 1993 to 2002.

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The sales record of this stadium was the second game of the 1999 NBA championship, with Nick as the opponent. At that time, 39554 tickets were sold.

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In order to celebrate its 50th anniversary, the Spurs decided to return to the stadium for a game.

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On the day of the game, they will hold pre-match and post-match parties, invite famous artists to perform, and sell restricted goods. The opponent on the same day was a very popular warrior, who also successfully made ticket sales soar.